Are you looking for unique baby shower games to play? You have reached the right place! At Collection Pot we know that a baby shower is a great event – but if you don’t have the right games and activities, there are only so many baby anecdotes you can pass on!
We see Pots collected all the time for lucky parents-to-be, and we also have a few baby shower games under our belts. Here are some of the best games, all in one place!
If you have taken over the parents-to-be’s home, you can turn it into a super easy baby hunt for everyone. You need a lot of items to find – and we recommend buying something useful so there is no waste – so instead of hiding plastic items bought online, we say, hide nappies! With this game you can add a small tag to each nappy with a points value on it, meaning that each nappy will still be useful after. All you need to do is hide. Then, let the guests loose against the clock! Hide as many as you can and make the high-value nappies align to some prizes. Ideas include boxes of chocolates, wine or smellies.
It’s important that the parents are excited about what’s ahead. In the months coming, there will be moments when they are struggling and tired. So, for this activity, it can be nice to develop a positive affirmation to craft. Perhaps you can all work together to make a mosaic, a small canvas or a piece of artwork to add to a book. The word could be ‘breathe’, or it could be a phrase like ‘this too shall pass.’ There are plenty of craft kits in homeware superstores, everything from gemstones to acrylics, charcoal and more.
If you don’t know the gender, then a game of boys vs girls can be great. One team is boys, one is girls. (You may want to let go of your gender-neutral principles and dress in pink / blue – even just for an ironic take). Then, you want to take on challenges.
The tasks should be low-effort, getting the blood pumping can be fun. We suggest following some of the carnival or funfair favourites from your childhood.
There are lots of games out there that have you guess the ‘scent’ in a nappy (think Marmite smeared into the gusset..), but these can be a bit grizzly! For a fresher take on a food challenge, why not provide cakes, cupcakes or icing that your guests can decorate as the baby? Extra points and prizes could be given to the cake that does resemble the baby!
You may remember this game from school – it’s a memory game.
Person one: I came back from the hospital with a baby
Person two: I came back from the hospital with a baby and a car seat
Person three: I came back from the hospital with a baby and a bottle of wine
Person four: I came back from the hospital with a baby and a bottle of wine and a pack of dummies….
(And so on.)
Each person adds a new item – which can be as sharp as ‘a weak bladder’ – or simple as the baby essentials. This will definitely generate a few laughs!
You can ask the parents-to-be questions about the future and save them in a memory box ready to be opened a few years later.
You could ask:
What is your baby’s weight?
What do they look like?
What food could you eat right now?
What food do you never want to see again?
What 3 words describe your feelings now?
What was the best part about maternity / paternity leave?
What got you through this pregnancy?
What would you tell yourself 5 years ago and you 5 years from now?
Using dolls as babies, get attendees to change a nappy blindfolded. Chocolate spread applied liberally and packets of wipes add to the fun for everyone watching!
Get 5 – 10 nappies (large sized is best!) and pin them ‘opened’ to a board and write some scores on them. Grab some ping pong balls and get the shower attendees to get the balls into the nappies! The highest score wins!
Have a rule for the party that if you say baby, there is forfeit! It could be downing a drink or paying a fine!
Guests work in teams of two. One sits on a chair wearing a bib, the other stands behind them. The standing member has a nappy (clean!) on their whole head and attempts to feed their partner a plate of snacks. (Jelly is funny!) The winner has a clean plate and the least mess on the bib!
Using toilet rolls, each member has to make their own nappy out of tissue paper and model it against the clock. Can it withstand the pressure? You can make them do star jumps, push ups or dance for 10 seconds to check it won’t fall down!
Do you need to play baby shower games?
The short answer is no! While it’s great to play baby shower games, the parents-to-be are also probably keen to chat and relax with friends. Our final tip? Whatever the activities you pick, let the parents have a nap and finish up early on – they need the sleep! First things first – it’s time to start creating a Pot. We know that lots of people want gift ideas for the baby shower – but it can be easier to pool together all the funds into one place. A Pot can be set up for all the funds for a very special gift or experience, or given directly to the parents-to-be so they can get the balance in their bank or as a gift card. It’s a much nicer experience than receiving hundreds of body butter variations – and it’s so simple. Oh, it’s also totally FREE to get started! Try it today.
Why not set one up today ready for the big day?