Simple PTA Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money

Simple PTA Fundraising Ideas to Raise Money

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) fundraising is a task that some of us love – and some would rather leave behind. If you’ve found this post, chances are you are looking for a way to make PTA fundraising fresh again, and while our American friends across the Atlantic do it well, you want ideas with a local appeal. 

Bake sales are all well and good, but life nowadays is hectic. After the 20th time trying to raise funds for the PTA with home-baked scones and other goodies, you find yourself in a pinch, despite the good intentions, and you turn to Mr Kipling cakes, presented on a platter with some hastily crumbled edges for ‘authenticity’, and the fun falls flat.  

So, let’s put the fun back into PTA funds. Here are some inspiring PTA fundraising ideas that will get people excited and engaged. 

When it’s hard to get people out to an event, like during a pandemic or a cold, winter night, but you still need to look forward and plan for your kids’ school fundraising, try an online auction. The same rules apply as with traditional auctions:

– Approach local businesses to donate products and services to your PTA/charity 

– Lean on anyone well-connected in the PTA – be shameless – it’s for a good cause

– Then choose between a silent auction and an eBay-style model

– Host the auction on the school’s/organisation’s website (make sure there is a guest login for the occasion).

Kids love to go to the cinema, so why not put on a show in the school hall? No need to splice together a film reel, just stream a favourite flick onto a screen or white wall, and enjoy the cinematic arts as they come to life. If it’s for a high school, have a ‘ditch the parents’ evening (as if you’re not cool anymore), except for the PTA organising committee, e.g. tickets, concessions, and ushers.

This idea is a good one for primary school age because it’s hard to beat music, dancing, and running around with glow sticks and other luminescent objects. How cute are the little girls bopping around to the latest teen sensation in their party dresses, while the boys run and slide all over the gym/hall in their superhero costumes? Or try a silent disco to keep the noise down. And hire a photo booth for those ‘best mates’ pics to treasure.

Make it a holiday/themed occasion like Halloween, and make it fancy dress, sell mini savouries, like sausage rolls, hot chips, and cold beverages. Maybe throw in some of those Mr Kipling cakes too.

Teach the kids about the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s with a fun blast from the past before the 90s had to ruin it with inline skates, a.k.a. ‘roller blades’. Hire a roller-skating party planner, and skate the night away to the era of your choice. Put together some mini first aid kits for the inevitable slips, trips, and falls to sell to the frantic parents. (Kidding?)

Organise an art class with wine and cheese, cocktails and a spread, and bring out the artist in everyone. Pick a favourite muse, like Picasso, Pollock, van Gogh, Monet, Rothko, O’Keeffe, and recreate. Buy your painting at the end of the night, or donate the pieces to the PTA for an art auction extravaganza. You can perhaps sell the parent art and your standout students’ school art at your virtual auction (above). 

Which of these PTA fundraising ideas will work for you and your PTA members? Why not try them all, or create an events calendar that will see you through the year? If you need somewhere modern and safe to hold funds, consider Collection Pot! They are free to set up, fun to track, and contributors can leave heartfelt messages.

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Elaine Keep

Elaine Keep is an accomplished content writer with over 15 years of experience in the field of marketing and content creation for many leading brands, where she shares her passion for research and helping others through her articles. You can also find her in 'mum mode', walking in the countryside or enjoying the dreamy combo of a new non-fiction book with a tea and chocolate bar to hand.

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