Unique Farewell Messages to a Colleague Leaving the Company

Unique Farewell Messages to a Colleague Leaving the Company

What do you write in a farewell message to a colleague WHO is leaving the company? What do you write if you are pretty sure you have never heard of them (it might be a big company), but you don’t want to offend them? What about if a colleague has been made redundant or is leaving for another reason? We have you covered. 

We have included a range of messages to say farewell to a colleague leaving the company, whether on their terms or for another reason. 

Our tips for writing a farewell message to a colleague who’s leaving the company quickly and under difficult circumstances? Keep it brief, short and sweet. Wish them well and don’t get too emotional! 

If you don’t know the colleague who is leaving that well, it’s still nice to write them a note, but it’s key to try and be genuine without being overly sentimental, which can seem false! Only talk about their projects and successes if you are confident, they were the ones behind it – otherwise, your kind message could seem like a dig! 

At Collection Pot, we’ve helped thousands of people craft their farewell messages to colleagues, so we’ve seen some of the best! 

Our top ways to say farewell 

  • “Wishing you success on your new adventure! I am sorry to see you go and hope that we will meet again.”
  • “(Name) It was so great working with you, and you will be greatly missed. You have made some fantastic changes here, and I know you will thrive in your new role. Thanks for the help on (project). Keep in touch!”
  • “I will miss you so much. Thanks for being the person who always (something they are great at) and the person who never (….) you are the best!”
  • “I am sorry to see you go and hope that we will meet again. All the best for your future endeavours.” 
  • “Best wishes on your future endeavours. I’m sure we’ll cross paths again someday!”
  • “I’m so glad to have met you and enjoyed our time together. You are a valued colleague – thank you!”
  • “It has been great working with you over these past few years as part of this team. On behalf of everyone here, I want to wish all the very best in what’s next.”
  • “Thank you for all your hard work over many years; it has helped make this company successful.” 
  • “You will be missed!”
  • “All the best in finding new opportunities elsewhere—we will all miss you!”
  • “This is not goodbye, just farewell for now! Thank you for all you have done.” 
  • “I hope this has been an enjoyable time at the company and that I’ll see you again someday!” 
  • “Thank you for all your hard work over many years; it has helped make this company successful, and it has not gone unnoticed.” 
  • “It has been great working with you over these past few years as part of this team. We wish all the very best in what’s next.”
  • “I will miss you in the morning- who else would (make my tea / come in late / shout good morning) and again at lunch -who else would (eat…,) and in the afternoon- who else will (do the biscuit run/ laugh with me at the meeting). It’s been amazing working with you. “
  • “(Name) I am sorry to hear you are leaving (company). Was it the (bosses bad jokes/ microwaved fish/ memories of the office party) that did it?!  Keep in touch!”
  • “Wishing you all the best in your new role, you will be great!”
  • “Stay in touch and remember us when you are famous!”
  • “Your new adventure sounds great. We are all rooting for you!”
  • “We miss you already. Take care and good luck!”
  • “(Name) wishing you all the best in your new role. You will be great! Be sure to wow them with your skills in (….)”
  • “Do your new company know that you are the best at ()?! You are an asset and will thrive. Wishing you all the best!”
  • “(Name) you will be great in your new role. Wishing you luck- not that you need it!”
  • “(Name) it was a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for all you have done! You will be missed by everyone here.”
  • “(Name) sorry to hear you are leaving, but I know this will be a great opportunity for you. Stay in touch!”
  • “(Name) you will be missed, and I can’t believe you’ve been here (X) years! Thank you for all your help and hard work.”
  • “So pleased to hear about your new opportunity, but I am sad to lose you from the team. Wishing you all the best in your new chapter!”

Now you have ways to say farewell to a colleague leaving the company, why not start a Collection Pot for a colleague who is leaving? You can add donations and create a lovely balance for them to have as cash, or in the form of a leaving gift. It’s free to set up and it takes seconds!

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Elaine Keep

Elaine Keep is an accomplished content writer with over 15 years of experience in the field of marketing and content creation for many leading brands, where she shares her passion for research and helping others through her articles. You can also find her in 'mum mode', walking in the countryside or enjoying the dreamy combo of a new non-fiction book with a tea and chocolate bar to hand.

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