Gift ideas for when a colleague leaves can be such a tough nut to crack. There’s no better time to lament your rubbish listening skills than when you have to find the perfect gift for the colleague you were only half listening to every morning when you made hot bevs together.
Arguably, retirement gifts are even more important to get right – but they’re even tricker to do!
Starting a Collection Pot instead can cut out a lot of the risk of getting it wrong. And it’s much less faff than trawling the shops! Just send the link round the office to collect cash and then, once the Pot is closed, let your colleague decide what they’d like as a send-off. Simple.
So, how do you say goodbye to someone who is retiring? First and foremost, it should sound sincere. So don’t overthink it!
Whilst you don’t want a card of identical cookie cutter messages – “Good luck with the next chapter!” – you also don’t want to write something that gives cheesy supermarket greetings card vibes. A niche reference, we know.
Like this little taster? Well, we have a whole blog dedicated to farewell messages to colleagues. Check it out and never panic about what to write again!
Otherwise, if you’re here to learn the rules, not the answers, we love that for you. Here are three golden rules we recommend sticking to if you’re struggling:
Hold your horses. Before we get into what you should gift, let’s talk about the more crucial, what you should steer clear from. Skipton Building Society did a study on the average cost of a retirement gift, finding that colleagues collect an average of £100 per retiree. That’s just £2.17 per year of a 47 year career! A little disappointing.
Basically, unless your colleague has mentioned a specific interest to you, or they’ve asked for something particular, try not to buy something niche. There’s a good chance it could end up in the bin!
Find out what they like or if they have anything on their wish list at the moment. You can even just tell them the team is buying them a retirement present and see if they have any suggestions of what they fancy. Let’s be real. A surprise is only fun if it’s a good surprise – and a surprise rubbish gift is no fun at all.
If you don’t want to ask your colleague, steer clear of anything stereotypical. Avoid anything that will make your colleague feel like you’re calling them old and anything marketed “for men” or “for women” (aka socks and bath bombs). They’re always disappointing to receive.
A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself; would I like to open this in front of a room of colleagues? If the answer is no, assume it might be the same for them!
Here are some examples of good gift ideas:
Then all you need to do is send around the link for everyone to put in cash, and once the Pot is closed, the receiver can either debit the full amount into their bank account or they can choose between 60+ high street gift cards.
They can do this in their own time, without the pressure of a colleague asking them across the microwave at lunch! It really is the obvious choice, and we’re not biased or anything. Not even a bit.