30+ Thoughtful Work Anniversary Wishes & Messages
We think everyone should be sharing and getting work anniversary wishes – which is why we are baffled that they are so overlooked! Every office worth its salt has a few cheeky employee perks, but often, a culture of sending a heartfelt work anniversary message isn’t there and it should be. We think getting a little thanks for your service is a huge win for any workplace. The employee felt appreciated and noticed.
The colleague writing the message saying happy work anniversary gets to reflect on their working relationship, which is always good – and do something nice for someone else, which has been proven by science as the key to improving happiness. Finally, it creates a nice culture. It might look like a little note on a Collection Pot wall or in a card, but it’s more than that – it’s a sign that you’re in the right place, doing the right work and being appreciated.
Awh, we’re not crying, you are.
Also – it’s SO easy to do. Just get organised with your HR calendar and work out the anniversaries and you can get into the swing of saying well done, thanks, smashed it – all in the way that works for you.
We know one thing that might hold you back – the worry you’ll say the wrong thing. To help, we’ve written a selection of what we think are the very best work anniversary wishes for employees or colleagues. Dip in, create your own or use ours. You won’t find them anywhere else.
You’ll find 30+ work anniversary wishes here – so even if everyone in your business has one, you’ll be set until you find your rhythm in creating your own!
Funny yet thoughtful work anniversary wishes for close colleagues
These are great work anniversary messages for someone you know quite well.
Come on, confess – is working with me the only thing keeping you here? Congratulations on your workiversary – you really do make work fantastic. Have a great day.
Do you think you’ll get to leave early now you’ve been here over (XX) years?! You survived (bad manager name) and that time (funny memory) – I hope you can stay another (X) years. Thanks for being a great colleague.
Our team simply wouldn’t be the same without you – and I’m not saying that’s a backhanded compliment but read that how you will! On this special occasion of your work anniversary, I will be happy to get you a drink of your choice (under £7) at the (insert local pub.) The offer expires if you annoy me today. Happy work anniversary!
I tried to think of some funny moments we’ve had together and I kept coming back to that time when (insert memory.) It sums up your career here I think! I would hate to work here without you and really hope you enjoy your achievement today.
Throughout the years, I’ve witnessed your failures and growth moments. As long as you don’t get better at (insert task) than me, we’ll keep being cool. Well done on making (XX) years here.
Every day I am blessed by your cheer, good moods and that delicious-smelling lunch. I might take the mick but I think if I spent a day without the smell of (XXX) in the air, or without you saying (insert their phrases) I wouldn’t know what to do. Well done on your work anniversary!
You can’t spell dedicated without your name! Well, you can, but figuratively. Well done on this huge milestone!
Well, well, well, look who loves working with me that much! Well done on your work anniversary.
You and me stuck like glue (in a company we threaten to leave every month when it’s time to (Insert task here) – thanks for being the chalk to my cheese but somehow making it work.
Simple and thoughtful message ideas for a work anniversary
(Insert name), you are there for me at work through thick and thin and I’m stunned you’ve officially put up with me and the rest of the work crew for (XX) years! Are you mad? Wishing you all the best.
Finding an employee like you is hard so I have decided I will never let you go! Well done on being with company (XX) for (XX) years. You’re part of the furniture!
Wishing you the very best on your work anniversary.
It’s your workiversary! Well done & congratulations.
Happy work anniversary! Your dedicated service for (X) years hasn’t gone unnoticed. Thank you, name!
Thank you for 10 years of dedicated service. I hope you know how appreciated you are.
You’ve been here (X) years! That’s amazing. Everyone speaks so highly of you and I look forward to working with you in the upcoming years.
Congratulations on (X) years with the (company name), (insert name)! I’ve only just started my journey here but it’s really inspiring how you’ve made the role your own.
Congratulations on your big anniversary – it’s inspiring! Wishing you the best.
I always hear how well you are performing and your loyalty and tenure are a testament to the fact you are doing a great job for (company name). Happy work anniversary.
Work anniversary wishes from a boss to an employee
Name, Happy work anniversary – well done on (X) years of service to (company name). We’ve had huge highlights like (project X, project y and project z.) We really appreciate all you do and I am so pleased to still have you here with us.
It’s a great day – your (X)-year anniversary at (X)! I have seen you come on in leaps and bounds since our first day, and I really appreciate your enthusiasm and attitude. It makes all the difference. Thank you!
Happy work anniversary – it has flown by and having you in my team has made a difference, so thank you. Please get off early today, you’ve earned a break!
I wanted to thank you for all you do on your work anniversary. You’ve done late nights, completed tasks as grizzly as (insert task) and helped get (project name) over the line. Thank you so much.
(X) years have gone so fast! You are doing so well and it’s been great to reflect on the changes size day one. Thanks for sticking with me as your manager.
How to say happy anniversary as an employee to a boss
Congratulations on being here for (X) years. I really appreciate you adding me to your team and I hope to learn even more from you!
Happy work anniversary. I have learned so much from you in a short period of time, I can see why you stuck around so long!
Happy work anniversary from me and the rest of the team. Thank you for all you do and for making the company name a great place to work.
Happy work anniversary! It’s been great to be here for just (X) years of yours, wishing you all the best.
Another great year down, and more to come!
Congratulating a work anniversary – do’s and don’ts
Don’t kill the vibe!
Are you the manager and want to congratulate an employee but it all feels weird and strange? We say, try and make some good vibes.
(Have You seen the work anniversary meme – ‘Happy anniversary – now get back to work!’
Or what about the work anniversary meme with Mrs Burns and Smithers from the Simpsons
“The party will be at your desk, the only activity will be work.” )
Memes are there for a reason – they are relatable. So many companies just skirt over a long service moment when it’s a huge win for them and it could be a nice day for the employee too!
To make it more special you could make them a hot drink, give them a card and a present (note that a Collection Pot turns strange gift ideas into actual cash or a gift card, always a hit) – and then you can have a look at other perks, like letting them leave early or taking a longer lunch.
Don’t feel you have to say something too deep
The aim isn’t to have Janet crying at her desk over the poem you just wrote on her filing system. If you don’t know someone that well, don’t force it. A simple version of some of the suggestions of work anniversary wishes we’ve written should suffice.
Is it your anniversary? Worried what to say to your colleagues?
The awkward moment when your colleagues gave you lovely heartfelt messages and a gift and now you don’t know what to say. Thank you is an obvious start, but just like our advice above, relax – no -one is looking for a speech that would have a courtroom captivated on why you still work at your business. Simply say – ‘It’s gone so fast! Thanks for all being so welcoming and supportive.’ or ‘You don’t have to do this, but I really appreciate it. I will bring in some cakes next week.’ Short. Sweet, and everyone’s happy.
Are you looking to celebrate a work anniversary or want to get in the habit of doing so? We think everyone should be sharing and getting work anniversary wishes. Our recommendation is to use Collection Pot to create a workplace collection and to allow everyone to write on a wall to commemorate the special day. Not only that, but the lucky recipient also gets a balance of funds, so they can enjoy spending a little money or a gift card.
Elaine Keep is an accomplished content writer with over 15 years of experience in the field of marketing and content creation for many leading brands, where she shares her passion for research and helping others through her articles. You can also find her in 'mum mode', walking in the countryside or enjoying the dreamy combo of a new non-fiction book with a tea and chocolate bar to hand.