25+ New Job Messages: Wishing Good Luck and Success

25+ New Job Messages: Wishing Good Luck and Success

Being asked to write all sorts of new job messages? It might feel like every two minutes a colleague is leaving and you’re scratching around for something new to say that isn’t ‘good luck!’ If you feel now is a prime time to be off, you’d be right. Certain times of the year are ‘peak periods’ when it comes to colleagues leaving. LinkedIn data indicates that as schools go back, hiring managers settle into their workload and hiring is 38% higher in September than the monthly average, and then there are traditional times – January and of course, after a long bank holiday of respite. 

That means that those congratulations messages for a new job come thick and fast and coming up with what to say can be tough – so use our templates!

'You Got This' written in chalk on pavement.

Reasons for Sending Career Wishes

It sounds like an obvious question – but what are the reasons for sending career wishes to someone? 

It can improve your career

You might not have much in common with the person leaving now, but a great new job message that offers them best wishes and congratulations will often be remembered. You never know when you might bump into someone in a new job, sector or business – and it always helps to have a reputation for being kind. 

It can enhance your relationships in the workplace

Not only does the person getting the send off see that you’re a team player, friendly and professional, but the people also signing and seeing the card or Collection Pot wall can also tell what a stand out person you are too! This can be your chance to make people laugh, smile or just think that you are a person who applies effort and thoughtfulness to even small tasks – and in the workplace, that’s a winner!

It will come back around 

It can be easy to skip signing a card, to not collect funds for someone – but one day, it will be your turn. You will want to get a good sign-off, and if the culture of the business is that it’s okay to skip over people you might not know very well, that means less of a collection and a bit of a lacklustre card.  We say, always jump at the chance to offer kindness and spread a bit of positivity – it always comes back around to you. 

'We like you too :)' on a white brick billboard.

Ways to Say “Best Wishes” for a New Career

Now – the tricky bit. You might not know them that well, you might not know where they are heading and you are also facing a wall of messages that just say “good luck in your new job” … “congratulations for the new job” … “good luck on your new job”, and so on. 

It can be hard to add another one of these to the pile! At the same time, you don’t want to write a whole poem and make it all weird. 

The main piece of advice is ‘keep it real!’ – don’t say you’ll miss them terribly if you didn’t know them, and don’t say you’ll miss them if you were commonly found sniping at each other over the boardroom. 

Here are some useful pointers with some good luck in your new job messages for almost every kind of colleague. 

Good luck in your new job messages for colleagues you didn’t know 

  • NAME, I’m sad we didn’t get to work together but I hear you are onwards and upwards to an exciting new role. I wish you all the best and hope if you ever need anything, you feel you can reach any of us at ACME Inc. 
  • NAME, so sorry to hear you are leaving before we got to work together but I have heard this is a great opportunity you can’t pass up. I would wish you luck but I doubt you’ll need it! 
  • Hear you have a great new opportunity NAME – I hope it’s perfect for you and you love it. Sorry the stars of work didn’t align for us to work together but feel free to connect on LinkedIn. 
  • Hi NAME and congratulations on your new job role. This sounds like a great one not to be missed. Have the best time and if you ever need us, I am sure everyone at ACME inc will be a call away. 

How to congratulate for a new job when you didn’t get on with the colleague…

  • Many congratulations on your new role NAME
  • NAME, congratulations on your new job – I know we often challenged each other, but working with you has seen me grow and my work has been better for it in many ways. Wishing you all the best for the future. 
  • NAME, I heard you have a great new opportunity and I am happy for you, please know I wish you all the best. 
  • Wishing you the very best for your new job, NAME. Take care. 

How to congratulate for a new job when you will really miss them 

  • NAME – I feel a bit sick you are leaving me here but what friend would I be if I didn’t give a huge congratulations? You deserve all the success. Don’t forget me when you are famous!
  • NAME, it’s been such a treat working with you and so refreshing. You will leave a big gap but your new opportunity is made for you. Enjoy it – and keep in touch. 
  • NAME, can I come with you?! Only joking – but the last few years have been amazing with you at my side. I will honestly miss your face every day, but please know I feel only happiness for your new opportunity. You’ve earned it! 

How to say congratulations as a manager 

  • NAME, it has been a pleasure working with you and to see how far you have come in the short time we had. I wish you the best of luck in your new career and hope to see you again soon! 
  • NAME, we are all very sad to see you leave the XXX team, but we also understand what a great opportunity this is for you. We will happily wait for a call in case you ever fancy working with XXX again, just stay in touch!
  • It’s hard to write these, but please know despite our sadness at you moving on, we are thrilled it’s in a direction that aligns with your passion and calling. We wish you nothing but the best. Stay in touch! 
  • NAME, thank you for all your hard work with XXXX. You quickly became and appreciate and inspiring team member, and will certainly be missed. We have made a collection for you to show our appreciation. We are just a call away for anything you may need in the future. 

What’s better than new career wishes? A treat! 

Now you know what to say – how should you say it? We think an online leaving collection is the smart way to go. A Collection Pot can have a wall packed with well wishes, as well as a very nice Collection Pot fund. This means the lucky recipient not only gets a wall of lovely sentiments, but a balance of funds as well, to spend as they wish on gift cards or as a bank transfer. 

An online leaving collection is far superior to someone needing to collect physical coins and funds, and it’s also a great experience for the lucky recipient. 

It’s free to set up and easy to get started. Create your own congratulations Pot today!

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Elaine Keep

Elaine Keep is an accomplished content writer with over 15 years of experience in the field of marketing and content creation for many leading brands, where she shares her passion for research and helping others through her articles. You can also find her in 'mum mode', walking in the countryside or enjoying the dreamy combo of a new non-fiction book with a tea and chocolate bar to hand.

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